27 Feb – 2 March 2025, Queenstown

New Zealand Open – Pro am Championship
The New Zealand Open is a cornerstone event on the PGA Tour of Australasia and has now also entered into a partnership with the Japan Golf Tour Organisation.
The format will see the field split across two courses at Millbrook Resort for the first round of competition with all players alternating to the other course for the second round. There will be a cut after two rounds with the top 60 professionals battling out over the weekend. Pro-am teams will be top 40 for round 3 and top 10 for the final round.
The tournament is unique in the Asia Pacific region with the Pro-Am format allowing amateurs to play inside the ropes during the heat of competition.
The vision for the New Zealand Open is to become the ultimate professional golf experience in the Asia Pacific region.
Tour offerings – dates to be confirmed.
Make the NZ Open – Pro am Championship the event for your clients.
If you have a question or want to find out more, you can call us, send an email or complete the form below.
Call 021333300/021635931